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User Interviews/Survey

My research process is guided by design principles to kick off the research, I began by creating a survey and conducting user interviews. By collecting qualitative and quantitative data, I aimed to build a solid foundation for the rest of the design process. The survey was completed by 8 participants, and here are some of the key insights we gathered from their responses:

Getting a clearer picture on the direction

Competitive Analysis

After looking at the results from my survey, I have discovered that Excel and a simple phone calendar are the most popular used platforms used by the following users. I conducted a competitive analysis to see what were the strengths and weak points of the platforms.


From the survey that I have conducted, I created two personas.

Since there was no working product at the time, most descriptions are hypothetical situations based on interviews conducted on possible users.

User Story

After identifying the users, I have created User Stories. The User Stories can be found here: link

User Flow Chart

After creating the user story, I focused on creating the User Flow Chart. This has helped me understand how all the pages connect throughout the app. You can find all the User Flow Charts here: link

Lofi Designs and Wireframe

I created a lofi wireframe of how the app would look and annotated around the sketches.

Style Guide

Before creating the final mockups I created a style guide to help me keep organized during the design phase.

Final UI Mockups

The dashboard and calendar are the main features of QuickConstruct. Users can easily add, edit, and track their projects, with each project having its own dedicated dashboard. The calendar allows users to effortlessly add new events, schedule appointments, and set up to-do lists, all on one screen, without any complications.

You can create, edit, and save projects with ease. Each project is tailored with its own striking dashboard.

A practical calendar is useful for creating new events, tasks, and scheduling appointments, all in one place.

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Key Takeaways

→ In my journey I made the mistake of worrying about the look of the UI too much. I think taking a step back and reassessing the user flows helped me to re-prioritize the UX.

→ I could have placed greater emphasis on addressing accessibility needs, which I aim to do going forward by following WCAG.

→ This project shows how far I have come as a UX/UI Designer. I feel like these final mock-ups are so much better than what I started with and I am really proud of that! If you would like to help me improve, please don't hesitate to reach out. I would love some feedback on my design and on how I could improve!